by Linda Schwanke
The Spring Green Village Board, in open session following closed session, passed a motion to proceed as discussed in closed session. The closed session, held with village attorney Eric Hagen, was called to discuss the building inspector’s report on Ellis “Skip” Pifer’s home at 433 W. Madison Street.
Lone Rock blood drive co-chairs Sheila Pulvermacher, left, and Lacey Poad, right, have announced that there will be a Red Cross blood drive in Lone Rock on Tuesday, February 4, from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the community center, 214 Broadway Street.
The Spring Green Village Board will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 8, at 7 p.m. in-person and virtually. Village offices are located at 154 N. Lexington Street.
by Joe Block
The Village of Arena spent their relatively quiet January 7th meeting discussing infrastructure and utilities, including a feasibility study about relieving flooding issues on Pine Street.
Radon test kits are available at many places in southwest Wisconsin including at Spring Green Village Hall, 154 N Lexington Street, for $10.
(Home News photo by Linda Schwanke)